Wednesday, 26 February 2014

On safari

 Well made it to Dubbo and dragged my butt around about 50km of zoo in 50 degree heat, almost no exaggeration. :-) . Garry insisted on taking his infamous short cuts which are usually anything but. I can't say I like this zoo better than the Sydney one but we are glad we went, even though I nearly died,lol.
Below the proof that I did indeed ride a bike despite there being great carts available!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Hardy's Holiday Hijinks...

Well Nan and Pop have threatened it for years and now we have done it. We have packed up the van, thrown off the shackles of work (at least temporarily), and are headed off to the wild, wild, West! We will be heading off from our home in Northern NSW to Dubbo, then Broken Hill where we will meet up with our friends Nola and Andy.
 From there it's full speed ahead (about a whippy 80kms/hour with our van) to South and Western Australia. I won't be posting every day but will do regular updates of our adventures. I just have to sort out the technology stuff, my megagigs, inter webs, laptabs and all that, all without the help of our kids!